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Vsakdan ni vsak dan

Quinzaine 2008 | Short film | 12mn

Sometimes, an event connects a group of individuals: a pregnant woman who sets off with her daughter to give birth; her husband, who needs to take her to the maternity ward as soon as possible; a woman who is in conflict with the pregnant woman’s husband regarding a parking dispute; her lover who wants a serious relationship; and a postman who wants this man’s signature upon a registered letter. The day starts like any other ordinary day, a day like every other, but then it transforms itself into something completely different.

Artistic & technical sheet

Barbara Zefran
Boris Cavazza
Maja Gal Stomar
Robert Prebil
Vladimir Vlaskalic

Martin Turk

Bojan Kastelic

Marko Tajic, Igor Lalos

Matjaz Jankovic

Chris Eckman

Set decoration
Ursa Loboda

Production : RTV Slovenija – Kulturni in imetniski programi Kolodvorsha 2 1000 Ljublana Slovénie Tél : +386 1475 3181 Fax : +386 1475 3183 Bela Film (Slovénie) Filmski Sklad RS (Slovénie)


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