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Erasmus Montanus Eller Jorden Er Flad

Quinzaine 1977 | Feature film | 1h34

« Erasmus Montanus » est une pièce de Holberg (1684-1754), le « Molière » de la Baltique. Il était enfant du théâtre italien, il devint le père du théâtre russe et scandinave. Aujourd’hui, le théâtre ancien est bien maltraité. Ou bien on le joue dans un registre « naturaliste-guindé », ou bien on le fait « éclater » pour le « signifier » (dans le cadre de la dernière mode intellectuelle) et cela, c’est exactement ce qu’aurait fait notre Erasmus s’il avait fait du théâtre. Mais ici, c’est le théâtre (donc le film) qui s’empare d’Erasmus, digne membre de cette « tribu instruite » qui toujours s’arroge le droit de se couper de la réalité ; et l’idée de Henrik Stangerup quand il s’empare d’« Erasmus », c’est justement de rendre la pièce à sa réalité. Pour ce faire, il l’enlève à ses terres natales pour lui faire courir ailleurs (au Brésil) le risque (donc la chance) d’un métissage qui lui rendrait son sens et son sang premier. Des corps souples, des voix neuves et des esprits sincères ont ainsi envahi l’architecture de Holberg avec une fougue de « Commedia dell’arte ». Et après ce long détour qui le ramène à lui-même, voici Holberg retrouvé, voici que le Brésil réel rend l’intellectuel à son exotisme, et nous voici ravis de cette fable sur la rondeur des choses et la platitude des théoriciens. Michel DELAHAYE


Henrik Stangerup

Henrik Stangerup, 1937-98, pursued a versatile career as novelist, journalist, essayist and film director. His first novel, Slangen i brystet (1969, Snake in the Heart), influenced by the neo-realistic trend of the time, is about a Danish journalist who goes off the rails in Paris. In the 1970s his novels took a turn towards polemic social comment. Løgn over løgn (1971, Lie upon Lie) is a confrontation with the ascetic Puritanism which according to Stangerup characterised the cultural left wing of the day. Manden der ville være skyldig (1973, The Man Who Wanted to Be Guilty) is an attack on the welfare state from an existentialist perspective. Fjenden i forkøbet (1978, Forestalling the Enemy) is an autobiographical novel which, with great openness, recounts artistic and personal crises in the author’s life. In the following years Stangerup wrote his principal work, a trilogy of historical novels inspired by Søren Kierkegaard’s ideas about the aesthetic, ethical and religious man. Vejen til Lagoa Santa (1981, The Road to Lagoa Santa) is about the ethicist, the Danish 19th century naturalist P.W. Lund, who turned his back on European civilisation and settled in Brazil. The protagonist of Det er svært at dø i Dieppe (1985, The Seducer : It is Hard to Die in Dieppe) is the aesthete and critic P.L. Møller, who lived a dissolute life in Paris in the 1850s. Finally the religious stage is represented by the title character of Broder Jacob (1991, Brother Jacob), a Danish Franciscan driven into exile by the Reformation. He ends up as a missionary and fearless spokesman for the Indian population. The trilogy gave expression to Stangerup’s criticism of Danish Puritanism in a colourful epic of international perspective and format. Stangerup’s films are inspired by French culture, with which he became thoroughly familiar during several protracted sojourns in the country. The most original is Jorden er flad (1977, The Earth is Flat), which transplants the action in Ludvig Holberg’s comedy Erasmus Montanus (published 1731) to 17th century Brazil. As interpreted by Stangerup, the story of the arrogant peasant student who returns to his destitute childhood environment becomes a universally valid account of the intellegentsia’s betrayal of the people from which they spring. Like his novels and films, Stangerup’s extensive essay writing also testifies to his international outlook and uncompromising attitude towards intellectual conformity of every kind. But the essays, which are collected for instance in I flugtens tegn (1993, Flight is the Order of the Day), also include penetrating characterisations of countrymen such as Kierkegaard, the man of letters Georg Brandes and film director Carl Th. Dreyer – men who, like the protagonists in Stangerup’s novels, were too distinctive and intractable to fit into the cultural pattern of their day.

Artistic & technical sheet

Fabio Camargo
Fausto Wolff
Gloria Cristall
Lucia Mello
Paulo Fortes
Wilson Grey

Fausto Wolff, Henrik Stangerup d'après la pièce de Ludvig Holberg

Hilde Lochen Trier

Jurij Moskvitin

Erik Bottzauw

Production : Henrik Stangerup, Thorkid Kristensen, Stig Bjorkman


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