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Born in Rome in 1931, he studied law et Rome Universoy, then cinema at the Experimental Center of Cinematography. Film club organizer, then journalist (critic at « Il Globo » from 1955 to 1961) and essayist, he became directors’ assistant for Franco Rossi, Mario Monicelli, Florestano Vancini, Renato Castellani… Starting 1963, he directed historic and political films for television, like « La Sconfitta di Trotsky » (1967), « Dal Gran Consiglio al Processo di Verona » (1969), « Opla, Noi Viviamo!, di Toller » (1970), « Donnarumma All’Assalto » (1971). After directing his first cinema long feature in 1973, « La Villeggiatura », he got in 1975 the Best Director for a TV adaptation award for « Rosso Veniziano » (from P.M. Pasinetti’s novel) and « Gli Strumente del Potere ». « I Vecchi e i Giovani » is his third cinema long feature.


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