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He Grew up in New Guinea, she got back to Australia with her family when she was 6. At the age pf 17, she made experimental films shown at the Australian Film, Television and Radio School in 1980; she could enter the school. She made 3 short films. She started working at Channel 7 in Sidney as a documentalis for a serie: Outback. She wrote 22 episodes. She wrote the screenplay of a short film, The siege of Barton’s Bathroom; the Australian Film Commission gave her financial support and Jocelyn Moorhouse directed this film in 1985. The film was devlopped into a TV serie for kids; Moorhouse wrote 4 episodes. She wrote a book for Peguin Books, a story inspired of C/O The bartons. Proof is her first feature film. She recently was completing the writing of a thriller which would take place in the Australian outback, Snake in the grass.


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