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Filip Bajon was born in 1947 in Pozna? where he obtained a degree in law. He is a film director, script writer and prose writer. Before becoming a feature-film director, Filip Bajon established himself as one of Poland’s more innovative television directors. He took his first career steps after leaving film school at the « Tor » Film Studio, initially making short and medium-length documentaries and feature films. He sporadically directed documentaries as well as television theatre productions and stage plays. He headed the now-defunct « Dom » Film Studio for a few years.Filip Bajon’s first full-length film was « Aria dla atlety / Aria for an Athlete ». He also made formally more modest films, to mention « Wahadelko / Shilly-Shally », « Sauna », and « Engagement », in which he used means more akin to television theatre.


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