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Fernand Dansereau began his career in 1955 at the National Film Board where he worked as a host, screenwriter, director, producer and, finally, as head of French Language Productions. Since 1968, he has worked in the private sector where he has directed a total of 40 short and feature length films and has produced almost as many. He has also been president of the Institut québécois du cinéma and the Institut national de l’image et du son. For television, he scripted Le Parc des Braves and Émilie and also wrote the adaptation of Arlette Cousture’s novel, Les filles de Caleb. He has also written the scripts for such television series as Shehaweh et Caserne 24. In 2005, the Quebec government awarded Dansereau the Prix Albert Tessier for his contribution to Quebec cinema and television.


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